Thursday, April 15, 2021

Announcement #1 for Those of You Who Follow by Email

 FollowByEmail widget (Feedburner) is going away

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Recently, the Feedburner team released a system update announcement , that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021.

Howdy Folks,

If you signed up to receive Palomino Dream posts by email notification (or if you had me do it for you), you should know that the company which provides that service is making some changes. Beginning this July, they will discontinue that notification service. 

You have two options that I know of right now if you want to keep reading this amazing collection of wise and entertaining tidbits of contemporary American literature.

The artist formerly known as Stumpy the Dancing Tree Stump

Option one is to bookmark the site and check it frequently to see if I have posted anything new. That would be sort of labor-intensive, but not really. The main pain would be that (if you are like me) you might forget for months if not years at a time. Here is the URL if you are up for the challenge.

Option two is to sign up as a Follower, which a dozen or so people have already done. Then you get an automatic notification of new posts plus the dubious notoriety of being listed right up front on the sidebar as an official Palomino Dream Follower. It's like being one of the cool kids on the playground, only without bully privileges (I disabled the comments section because it's too much work to chat with people after I already said everything I had to say on the subject, plus I don't chat much to begin with). If you are old like me and you don't know how to jump through this little become-a-Follower hoop, just ask anybody under thirty for some help. Ignore their eye rolls and twitchy nose rings and buy them a jelly doughnut for their trouble.

I hope you all keep reading and most of all I wish you good health and a happy spirit.

Peace, Love and Changes,

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