Friday, August 9, 2019

Pangaea About To Split

Waxing Gibbous Moon

I walked inside Pangaea this morning, expecting to see some bulk bins full of healthy snacks, hear the Rolling Stones playing in the background, and buy a yummy egg salad sammie on a roll. But nope, Quincy's finest, oddest eatery has changed. It's kinda still nice, kinda still quirky, but not the fun hippie holdover I recall from ten or fifteen years ago. In fact, it is so different from my memory of the place that I am starting to think I may be mistaken. Am I experiencing decade displacement syndrome (I don't even know if that's a real thing - I just sort of made it up right here and now)???

More importantly, though, Pangaea Cafe & Pub is about to split. It's moving to a new location down the street and it's probably just as well. The whole exterior is starting to look tired and worn. And I don't even recognize the inside. I'm guessing that the change will be good.

Anyway, their chief town rival for good, fresh, healthy food is directly across the street. Grandma Jane's Bakery is a flat-out assault on your taste buds. I had a personal size pizza for lunch there today that was out of this world. And the folks who run the place are as down to Earth and kind as the day is long.

I also spent time in the Quincy Public Library and at the Museum across Jackson Street. These places get my pick for the best use of public funds I have seen on this trip, especially the Museum.

There is a good chance I will be heading home from Truckee next week. It all depends on whether I can put my bike on the train there. I have tried to find out online, but so far every attempt to contact an actual human has failed. Artificial intelligence is freakin' dumb sometimes. I may not know for sure about the bike until I get to the station.

Meanwhile, there are at least two mama bear climbs between me and Truckee. I broke down and swallowed a couple of ibuprofen last night because I couldn't get my knee to stop complaining (that was the first time all summer for Vitamin I, but probably not the last). At the end of the past few days, the whole joint has felt like it was going to split wide open. Prognosis: continental drift of the knee.

Peace and Love from Pangaea,

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