Friday, October 2, 2020

Distraction Days

Waning Gibbous Moon

Last night's Harvest Moon was large and in charge and orange, not unlike someone else we know. The air quality here took a turn for the Unhealthy category again, producing smoky skies and scratchy eyes, but it did make the Moon look cool. This photo was taken through a telescope by local astronomy buff Ron Ober.

Rhetorical question: do we need any more evidence that we should be wearing masks and avoiding crowds, people? 

The press is no longer talking about $750 or white supremacy, so I will. 


White supremacy groups are f^^^ing evil. Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil.

There. Got that out of my system for a little while. 

To flee from the gunk settling down into San Juan Valley, yesterday I drove up the canyon to Fremont Peak State Park for a masked, sweaty two-hour walk. The usual long views of the Salinas Valley, Monterey Bay, and San Benito County were gray and fuzzy, but the up-close details of the woods and the outcrops were pretty cool. I only saw a couple of other people up there, so it was peaceful and really really quiet.

On a marble outcrop along the trail to the peak I found a little mantis critter staring at me, completely still, trying its best to be invisible, waiting patiently for the huge, hopefully benevolent intruder to pass. I could relate. I think if you click on the photo, you will get an enlarged look (assuming you are viewing the website version of this post).

As usual, the exertion and focus of hiking improved my outlook and shook away some of the bad vibes  from the fires and the politics. I am so grateful for my health, now 1,532 miles into my 2020 in 2020 Challenge and on schedule to complete the goal on time. Next year, if I am still bound to the home front by COVID, I think I will shift to a bicycle-based workout with hikes mixed in for fun. I miss riding my bike. If I am free to roam, though, look out, America, I'm coming to get ya again, haha.

My book should be released in a week or two, if the Great Cosmic Muffin cooperates.

Peace, Love, and Pray for Rain,

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