Thursday, September 19, 2019

That Woozy-Doozy

Waning Gibbous Moon

I do the same thing every year about this time. Over and over. Never fails.

Toward the end of September/beginning of October, usually close to the Fall Equinox, I drive the seven or eight miles into Hollister and stop at Walgreens for my annual flu shot. I started this habit long ago when I was still in the classroom, where every germ-virus-pathogen in the known Universe commonly breeds on the floors, desks, walls, and in the air. As soon as you walk into a classroom, public school or private, your skin, clothing, and mucus membranes are smeared with foul, microscopic, teenage cooties. It is war. You spend one fifth of your salary on hand sanitizer, chlorox  wipes, Emergen-C, Airborne, and Kleenex. Thank goodness, the flu shot is free.

Rarely do I get sick. Even back then, working (pardon my language) sixty hour weeks in influenza hothouses, I rarely got sick. Chalk it up to clean living, a decent diet, regular exercise, and gallons of water. I totally believe in the flu shot and I always will.

However, every year I repeat the same dumb mistake. The day after the shot, I go outside for a hike or a bike ride in the sunshine, forgetting all about the sore arm I had yesterday and the longer than usual sleep last night. I tromp or spin like nothing ever happened and then BLAM I get dizzy and sleepy and I can barely get back home. I am thirsty and hungry and completely disoriented. It is so stupid. I need at least one full zero day to let my system absorb the inoculation. When will I learn?

Today was a beautiful pre-Fall day which seduced me once again into forgetfulness and provoked me to engage in a semi-strenuous hike up the hill on the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historical Trail. The trail starts about a mile from my camp and it's one of my usual haunts. I had the trail all to myself this morning and I felt fine until I stopped at the second bench to do my little prayer thing and sunbathe. Before long, I started to feel the woozy-doozy invading my bloodstream. I knew then that I should turn around and wobble down the hill back to my truck. Did it again!

I took a bunch of pictures along the way, mostly on the way up, and I will share some with anyone who happens to see this post along with a friendly warning. Please, definitely get a flu shot, but just as definitely take a day off from direct sunlight after you get yours. Go to a movie or read a book and avoid the post-inoculation woozy-doozy. Life will be more pleasant that way.

Peace, Love, and an Afternoon Nap,

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